Publish 3+ High-Impact Papers EVERY year (WITHOUT journal rejections)

Proven step-by-step process for researchers and PhD students who want to publish in top journals, make a real impact with their research, and advance their careers.

Does this sound like you?

You’re not alone… 

Publishing research papers is hard until you know this...

If you’re like most PhD students and researchers, you might publish one paper in a year, or maybe two if things go well.

And it’s not your fault really.

Publishing in top journals is tough. No one’s taught you how to do it.

As a PhD student or researcher you’re taught to figure it out on your own. Through trial and error.

But that’s obviously time-consuming, costly, frustrating and inefficient.

Surely, though, there must be a better way.

I’ll tell you about it in a second…

But to cut a long story short, it allowed me to finish my PhD in 3 years with 3 papers.

And to get 425 citations in 4 years between 2020 and 2024.

(and publishing papers wasn’t even part of my job description: I was a university lecturer)

I became a go-to authority in my field (teaching English).

I was invited to give opening plenary talks at some of the biggest conferences for English teachers.

My papers became editor’s choices in some of the best journals in my field.

And I was doing all this part-time, never working evenings or weekends, thoroughly enjoying the publishing process.

I’m not telling you this to brag – but to show you what you can achieve by following a proven system.

See, I had created a process to write and publish papers that made it easier than most people think is possible.

Seeing other researchers struggle to publish regularly and make an impact with their research made me wonder if my process would work for them as well…

So I broke it down into a simple system other PhD students and researchers could follow.

The results were astounding....

Lina Sors Emilsson

Researcher In Game Design And Playfulness

Jean Paul Sebastian
PhD student, Information systems
Tran Thi Tuyet
Researcher and Lecturer In Tourism

How to actually publish 3+ papers a year in high-impact journals (while working LESS)

So what is that magic process?

The process is simple – you only need four things:

  1. Pipeline of high-impact topics

  2. Productivity and focus

  3. Coherent story and high-impact language

  4. Getting and acting on feedback

Now, you COULD do what most researchers do and spend years of your career mired in endless trial and error until you find what works for you….

Or you could copy and paste a highly refined system that’s worked for me and thousands of other people already.

That’s why I developed Published Researcher, so that you can:

Here's what other PhD students and researchers have achieved following this system:

Karen Colbert
Researcher, Game Design & Project Management
Monica Ximena Guzmán-Rojo
Researcher and PhD student, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering

Introducing The Published Researcher Program

Published Researcher program is for researchers and PhD students who want to learn how to publish research papers in Q1 Scopus-indexed journals. It shows you how to submit 3 papers in the next six months, so you can become an authority in your field, get tenure, and enjoy the writing process.

WITHOUT working 50+ hours a week and feeling overwhelmed

Inside Published Researcher program you get access to:

High-Impact Topics Pipeline

Use our proven system for generating a pipeline of 5+ high-impact topics. You will skyrocket your chances of publishing in high-impact journals.

Coherent Story & Language

Learn to package your research ideas in the exact way high-impact journals expect you to so your papers get accepted faster.

Published Researcher Mindset

Copy my productivity hacks that will allow you to publish more while working less. Achieve focus and flow, so you enjoy the writing process.

Research Paper Mastery

Master the art of writing high-impact papers. Submit your next paper to a high-impact journal in 42 days or less.

Review Paper System

Learn how to write and submit a review paper to a Q1 Scopus-indexed journal. Watch your citations go through the roof.

Scientific Editing

Get weekly in depth feedback on your papers. By the time you submit to a journal, the paper will be so good, reviewers will rave about it.

Support & Accountability

Work with an assigned expert coach, join daily coaching and co-working sessions. You will move forward faster, stay motivated and never procrastinate on the writing.

You won’t experience this level of service anywhere else. See what other PhD students and researchers are saying:

Begum Akalin
PhD student, Chemistry
Lara Corona
Researcher, museum studies

Everything you get access to:​

Cheatsheets & Templates

Follow my tried-and-tested templates to write high-impact papers in a few weeks rather than months. And get it published with fewer revisions.

Scientific Editing

Your papers will be given an in-depth revision each week. This means fewer or no corrections after submission and faster publication.


Struggling to write regularly? Our co-working sessions will keep you motivated, on track and accountable.

Personal Coach

Work with an expert coach to get your problems resolved faster and your papers reviewed. You will feel encouraged, motivated, and publish your papers faster.


Use my checklists to avoid 99% of mistakes most researchers make in their papers.

Live Coaching Calls

6 coaching calls a week on which you can get personalized support from our expert coaches.


Learn from other researchers’ successes and challenges. Get support from a like-minded community.

Alexis Mowrey
PhD Student in Psychology
Juan Manuel Escamilla Gonzalez Aragon
PhD Student in Literature and Philosophy

BONUS: Successfully write and defend your PhD thesis

Following this system many of our clients were told by supervisors that they ENJOYED reading their thesis. Some finished their PhD without any corrections.

Puleng Motshoane
PhD Student, Higher Education
Alexey Belinsky
DBA Graduate

Who is Published Researcher for?

PhD students and researchers who are motivated to publish papers regularly in high-impact journals so that you can:

This is NOT for you if you:

Prateek Wahi
PhD Student, Architecture
Shahin Sateei
PhD Student, Computer-Human Interaction

Our Guarantee

This system will work for you, guaranteed, provided you put in the effort and follow our guidance.

In fact, I am so confident about this that I guarantee you will have a paper ready to go in 6 weeks.

If you don’t, I will not only give you EVERY CENT back.

I will also work with you for FREE for the following 6 weeks until you succeed.

The only thing I’d ask for in exchange is that you come to the coaching calls once a week, follow the systems we teach, and ask for feedback on your writing

If you do this, one of two things will happen in 6 weeks:


Either way, you don’t lose.

And just like these PhD students and researchers, you will not regret joining:

Mario Imperioso
PhD Student, Digital Landscapes
Shami Alvarez
PhD Student, Bioinformatics & Biotechnology


They happen every day M-Fr, and we cater for all timezones.
No. You can come as often as you like, but we recommend you’re there at least once a week to get guidance and stay accountable?

During the coaching calls we will answer your specific questions. You’ll also get personalized support through the community or via direct messages to your coach.

We usually review 2000 words a week, so that you’re not overwhelmed by feedback, and you’re learning from it. This allows us to perfect a typical research paper jn 4-6 weeks?

We’re researchers ourselves so we understand and value privacy highly. We’ll never share your work with anyone. You’ll remain the sole author of your papers.

We always aim to pair you up with the coach that can best support you. Our coaches have worked with 100s of researchers from various fields. So regardless of the field you’re in, we’ll be able to support you.

We normally work together for 6 months. In our experience this is the minimum time to make significant progress and submit 3 or more papers. Once that’s over, we can reevaluate your goals to see how we can continue supporting you.

Rinko Kinoshita
PhD Student, Public Health
Lizette Brits
Researcher, Paediatric Surgery
Ramy Abdullah
PhD Student in Geosciences
Mercedes Cornelius
PhD Student, Quantum Physics

Spaces are limited, can you afford to wait?

This isn’t a program where you buy a bunch of videos and are left to your own devices.

We’ll get in the trenches with you and provide you with personalized support all along the way. That’s why we can only accept a very limited number of researchers each month.

As soon as these spaces are gone, we’ll close the doors for the month so that we can continue offering excellent personalized service.

At this stage, you have two options:

Option 1. You can go at it on your own. Of course, you might eventually figure it out on your own. But before that, this is likely to happen:

Ultimately, you might be struggling for years, while others will be regularly publishing research papers in top journals.

Like one of my clients, Ibifuro Giami:

Or there is Option 2: We can go at it together following our proven system.

Here’s what will likely happen then:

Ultimately, doing it together will not just be faster, easier and significantly cheaper: it will also be FUN.

Learn How To Regularly Publish Research Papers In High-Impact Journals

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